Magnesium Plus

Magnesium is crucial for many processes in the body, including regulating muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, blood pressure and making protein, bone, and DNA. Over 90% of humans are DEFICIENT in Magnesium which is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions.

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Not all Magnesium products are the same and not all types of Magnesium are the same. When considering types of Magnesium, it's important to assess its ability to be absorbed efficiently without side effects like cramps and digestive issues for which many types of Magnesium are known.

More than 42% of people have Vitamin D3 deficiency. D3 is important for bone and muscle strength and immune function. Over 1 BILLION people worldwide are deficient in the essential mineral Selenium. Deficiency in Selenium has been implicated in cardiovascular disease, infertility, myodegenerative diseases, and cognitive decline.

Xcelerate's Magnesium Plus supplement is highly bioavailable not only because of the type of chelated ingredients but also because of the addition of Zinc which aids in Magnesium absorption while Magnesium aids in Zinc absorption.

Magnesium with Vitamin D3 enhances calcium absorption and supports bone density. Zinc + Mag maintains muscles and prevents cramps.

Magnesium Plus Zinc with Vitamin D3 and Selenium, a dynamic blend providing vital nutrients. Magnesium, a linchpin in supporting muscle function, works synergistically with zinc and vitamin D3 to maintain optimal bone density and strength. Facilitating crucial enzymatic processes, magnesium takes the lead in fortifying overall bodily functions.

The fusion of magnesium and zinc assumes a pivotal role in nurturing the creation and efficacy of immune cells, bolstering the immune system's robust functionality. Beyond the spotlight on calcium for bone health, both magnesium and vitamin D emerge as indispensable contributors to fortifying bones and muscles. This comprehensive supplement encapsulates a holistic approach to heart health, combining essential nutrients for overall well-being.