It All Starts With a Dream

It All Starts With a Dream' is a 30-day journal created with busy mamas in mind. Why? Because motherhood and the never-ending responsibilities that come with it, can often make it difficult for mamas to take some 'time out' for themselves. This journal, with its simple and repetitive layout makes it easy for mamas to take that much needed time and put it to use in creating a beautiful 15-minute morning routine that will set them up for the day.

For too long, mamas have been conditioned to believe that it's wrong to put themselves first, to pursue their dreams and ask for more! Times have changed and now the cultural/ traditional/ generational belief systems that no longer serve mamas, have to change too. Until then, I am making it my mission to get the ball rolling!

The journal provides space, not only to practice gratitude, but to re-define who mamas want to be, what they want to do, what they want to have and how they want to feel! For 30 days, whilst completing this journal, mama's will gift themselves with time, their own energy, and daily opportunities to step into their power and design, not only their own day, but their own destiny!

There's way more to being a mama than meeting the needs of her children. This journal is a way for mamas to meet some of their own needs AND become the creator of a life they love!